
Company Philosophy, Vision, Values

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Code of conduct

  • We pursue client satisfaction by putting ourselves in client's position.

      <Core Standards'>
    • (1) Achieving client satisfaction & trust is first priority.
    • (2) We are assiduous in our business by putting ourselves in client's place.
    • (3) We provide timely and relevant information to our customers.
    • (4) We listen to our clients and address their concerns sincerly.
    • (5) We pay attention carefully to protect customer's confidential and personal information.
  • We conduct business and form partnerships with respect to corporate ethics, laws and fair conduct, transparency and free competition.

      <Core Standards'>
    • (1) We respect each other's position and maintain cooperative and equitable relationships for coexistence and prosperity.
    • (2) We mutually enhance corporate value, pursue customer satisfaction, and contribute to society.
    • (3) We do not offer gifts and entertainment exceeding acceptable norms as per society's common wisdom and respect for each other.
    • (4) We zealous act based on corporate ethics, compliance with laws such as antitrust laws and as a member of the society.
    • (5) We strictly control access to confidential information, protect intellectual property, and do not infringe on others' intellectual property.
  • We pursue streamlining of business administration for shareholders.

      <Core Standards'>
    • (1) We regularly review the systems, organization, management & assets, etc. and strive to improve our business performance.
    • (2) We strive to stably expand the entire group by gathering all assets of group companies and making effective use of them.
    • (3) We make corporate accounting transparent, sound, appropriate, and make efforts to disclose appropriate information.
  • We provide a secure, comfortable and productive workplace for staff. An environment that their families can be proud of.

      <Core Standards'>
    • (1) Each employee will faithfully comply with company regulations and act sincerely.
    • (2) We respect each person's personality and identity, and create a workplace where you can work freely.
    • (3) We provide an environment with a positive atmosphere where each employee can freely voice his or her opinion and consult without any hesitation.
    • (4) Each employee has a high ideals, acting in good faith according to conscience in public and private.
    • (5) Each employee can fully demonstrate their abilities and work on building an environment / structure that leads to individual development and growth.
    • (6) We will ensure a comfortable working environment for the safety and health of each and every one.
  • We pursue the ideal company image as a member of society while following various rules of the society.

      <Core Standards'>
    • (1) As an organization, we are a conscious member of society and actively engage in socially responsible initiatives.
    • (2) We seek to build a proper recycling-oriented society by pursuing productivity improvement.
    • (3) We resolutely respond to anti-social forces and organizations that pose a threat to order and safety of civil society and condemn such relations.

Company Philosophy, Vision, Values

ActPro's management philosophy and policy on priority areas and information disclosure policy.

Equity ・ Fairness・Balanced

a.Equity ・ Fairness:

We are independent, when evaluating service provision, we choose the most suitable way to be fair to our clients without influence from other parties like manufacturers’ thus we are not affected by business politics. Lately, many solution integrator firms encourage client to shift to new technologies without evaluating the cost of these new technologies vis a vis the budgets of clients, majorly because they are under demanding contracts with upstream companies such as manufacturers.
At ActPro, we take into consideration the wholesome environmental conditions of any deployment we suggest to our clients, our considerations include but are not limited to time, budget, skillset the client possesses, professionalism etc.

b.Impressive Cost Performance:

A major advantage of working with us is we can offer one of the highest level of service within very reasonable price (approximately 1/3~1/2 cheaper than major solution providers). This is because we balance growth and quality of service provided and focus on offering the preferred service informed by clients’ needs and wishes via exceptionally talented employees.

By emphasis on these values we are making steady and sustainable growth.

Foundational Management Policy

We conduct business based on following Foundational Management Policy

Information Disclosure Policy

We disclose various information about the company including financial statement to our employees under disclosures policy.


Although responsibility, hierarchy and compensation are work function and duties dependable, we work side by side internally and externally and all employees have right to contribute towards growth of the company and its culture equitably.

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